What is Colour Therapy and its Benefits?

· Celestial Living

About color therapy -

Colours have always been known for affecting people’s life and behavior in multiple ways. Some colors have a calming effect, while some colors stimulate both mental and physical activity. It may not sound very normal, but the colors have a greater role in our lives than anyone has ever realized. Sometimes colors can be so influential on the human mind and body that they are even considered to have healing properties. 

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Colourt herapy is a holistic treatment that uses multiple colour vibrations tostimulate the body's natural abilities to heal. Different colours have different wave lengths and frequencies, and they help in promoting/ restoring different conditions of the body. 

Likevarious other alternative treatments, Color therapy has been growing inpopularity over the years and has become one of the most sought-after treatments in recent times. 

What is colour therapy,and how is it used? 

Color therapy is also known as chromo therapy. It is an ancient form of healing thatwas present in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The therapy involves a combination of colours and lights to treat both mental and physical ailments. And again, colour therapy is making a come back and is one of the fastest-growing treatments in the natural health sector. Color therapy is used for treating illness and disorders, helps in alleviating pain, addresses emotional and mental conditions, and helps in maintaining good health. 

How iscolour therapy carried out?  

Likeany other treatment, color therapy begins by diagnosing the hidden causes ofthe mental or physical issues. A colour therapist might counsel you during the process to know your favourite colors. A color therapist also makes you understand the importance of different colors and how these colors impact your daily life in terms of health, inspiration, relaxation, and healing. 

Benefits of Colour Therapy -

Lighthas always been considered as the purest form of healing force present in theuniverse. The absence or presence of light can affect the Pituitary, Pineal, and Hypothalamus glands. This can affect both mental and physical health. 

Listing down a few of the various benefits that come from the colour therapy : 

  • The colour therapycourses are pain-free and safe tobe used for children, adults, and older people. 
  • It addresses the physical symptoms of the illness and also the non-physical origin 
  • Color therapy is used to balance the Chakras in the body 
  • Color therapy does not only have a positive influence on physical levels but alsoinfluence mental and spiritual levels 
  • Promotes meditation and relaxation and also enlighten and transforms an individual 
  • It eliminates the emotional side before they hold on as psychological or physicalillnesses.  

Apartfrom all of the benefits mentioned above, color therapy also improves and helpsindividuals understand the need to include certain colors in their everydaylives. The colors naturally heal the body, enabling the overall well-being ofthe people.  

Itis known as a safe and one of the most effective treatments, and it can be usedon its own or can be used alongside another therapy like traditional medicineor physiotherapy. Regardless of how it is being used, it is very important tounderstand that color therapy can have a strong effect on the mind and body.Therefore people must lookout for a professional color therapist who is well aware of the treatment. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult a qualified medical physician before engaging yourself in a color therapy treatment. 

Significance of differentcolors 

  • Warm Colours: 

Are used in treating conditions that need stimulation,e.g., problems like unmotivation, depression, sluggishness. 

  • Cool colours: 

Helps with conditions that need cooling, calming, andstabilising. E.g., aggression, anxiety, pain, stress, headaches, insomnia, etc. 


Ifyou have been looking for colour therapy courses that can help you deal with your life problems. In thatcase, Celestial Living is the right platform for you as they use differentmethods to clear your aura and chakras, balancing them with high resonating healing energies. They offer highly skilled spiritual practitioners who help you most efficiently. The trained professional uses the proven and safe modules for the session. They focus on all the aspects of you: your mind, body, and soul. Celestial Living has certified Confidence  building courses Melbourne  and experienced therapists that help you in healing. They also offer customized therapy modules that help you focus on the areas you need the most attention. They provide holistic counseling services and are known for the best Reiki healing Melbourne. To know in detail about CelestialLiving, you can visit them at  and also can mail them at info@celestialliving.com.au